How Leaders Can Inspire Teamwork at Their Companies | Dave Mortach

Dave Mortach
3 min readAug 18, 2022


Many people look for validation at work, wanting to be heard and not taken for granted. They also want to know that their skills are still relevant and are being used to improve the organizations they serve. Due to the budget cuts in professional development over the past couple of years, many people have started investing in themselves. They are also looking for clarity about their future and where their skills will fit in their organizations.

As the economy continues to change, leaders are trying to ensure that their employees are more secure and not affected by the disruption that could happen in the workplace. This is because if the turmoil continues, it could lead to the loss of top talent. To keep their teams on track, they need to become more intuitive and adopt a more effective leadership style.

Unfortunately, many leaders are not connecting with their employees and are focused on their agendas. This is why leaders need to adopt a more effective leadership style .

Emphasize Company Growth

One of the essential steps that leaders can take is to stop selling their employees on the importance of performing better. Instead, they should be able to explain how their contributions can help the company improve. This will allow them to step up their game and contribute to the company’s advancement.

Show Employees Their Impact

Employees are motivated by the belief that their hard work can make a difference in the world beyond their company’s profitability. They want leaders who can see beyond their interests and contribute to the community.

Personalize Your Leadership

One of the most important factors that employees look for in a leader is their ability to understand the employee’s talents and skills. This will allow them to motivate and work with their team members. Employees want leaders who genuinely care about them and pay attention to their needs.

Provide Opportunities to Learn and Grow

The increasing number of employees is also demanding that leaders develop effective strategies and methods to motivate and work with their team members. They want to be inspired by leaders who are willing to take on new tasks and improve their skills. In today’s fast-paced world, people don’t have time for lectures. They need continuous feedback.

Instead of getting carried away by the endless number of ideas and buzz-words that are being presented to your team members, focus on providing the necessary tools and resources to help them perform at their best. Most people have already mastered the art of execution. Leaders should also stop teaching them how to do something new and start giving them the opportunity to learn new skills.

One of the most important factors that employees look for in a leader is someone who can see beyond their own expectations. They want to be inspired by leaders who are able to motivate and work with their team members through consistent behavior.

Originally published at on August 18, 2022.



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